Humanización y conocimiento: la caricia más hermosa del cuidado enfermero a pacientes viviendo con VIH: Humanization and knowledge: the most beautiful care of nursing care for patients living with HIV

Humanización y conocimiento: la caricia más hermosa del cuidado enfermero a pacientes viviendo con VIH

Humanization and knowledge: the most beautiful care of nursing care for patients living with HIV



Palabras clave:

Humanización de la Atención, SIDA, Enfermería holística, Humanization of Care


The objective of this opinion article is to raise awareness about humanized care and the importance of knowledge about the diagnosis in order to provide comprehensive care and treatment to patients living with HIV/AIDS. Nowadays, the lack of human connection is a challenge for the nursing professional, so the humanized care provided to patients living with HIV (PLWHA) should not only be practiced in the Sexually Transmitted Infections Strategy ( STI) - HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B, but in all the services of a hospital where a patient with this reality is treated, a problem that is evident every day when visiting patients living with HIV, admitted to the services. of hospitalization or who go to the hospital to be treated on an outpatient basis, where the nursing professionals who work in these areas often do not demonstrate empathy with the patient, feeling even in this century, stigma and discrimination in their care, and everything is given by a backbone fact: ignorance. Therefore, it is concluded that undergraduate training in the professional nursing career should begin, not only strengthening knowledge about the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, but also the importance of providing comprehensive care to patients. patients living with HIV/AIDS, breaking prejudice, since the holistic and humanistic vision of care must be the foundation in the training of students, being the engine of change to mold the nursing professional by providing dignified, quality care, with knowledge, based on values, promoting a culture of respect for human rights with a gender focus, to eliminate the stigma and discrimination associated with the infection.


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Biografía del autor/a

Ursula Elisa Elias-Bravo, Hospital Regional Lambayeque, Estrategia Sanitaria ITS-VIH/SIDA y hepatitis B. Chiclayo, Perú.

Lic. en enfermería, Doctora en ciencias de la salud




Cómo citar

Elias-Bravo, U. E. (2024). Humanización y conocimiento: la caricia más hermosa del cuidado enfermero a pacientes viviendo con VIH: Humanization and knowledge: the most beautiful care of nursing care for patients living with HIV. Revista Experiencia En Medicina Del Hospital Regional Lambayeque, 10(2).