Frecuencia y factores asociados a la dislipidemia en pacientes atendidos en un centro médico de Chiclayo, julio a diciembre del 2020: Frequency and factors associated with dyslipidemia in patients treated at a medical center in Chiclayo, July to December 2020

Frecuencia y factores asociados a la dislipidemia en pacientes atendidos en un centro médico de Chiclayo, julio a diciembre del 2020

Frequency and factors associated with dyslipidemia in patients treated at a medical center in Chiclayo, July to December 2020



Palabras clave:

Dyslipidemias, Cholesterol, Triglycerides, Risk factors


Objective. To determine the frequency and factors associated with dyslipidemia in patients treatedin a Medical Center of Chiclayo, July to December 2020. Material and methods. An analytical crosssectionalstudy was conducted on secondary data (retrospective) in a population of 1,120 patientsadmitted to the “Inkamay” Medical Center in the city of Chiclayo, during March to June 2020. Thestudy was census. The data were collected by documenting the clinical records and record books ofthe clinical laboratory. Results. The population was characterized by a median age of 53 years (IQR= 41-64), weight of 65 kg (IQR = 58-74), BMI of 26.2 Kg/M2 (IQR = 24.0-29.4) and predominance of thefemale sex (68.5%). 59.9% had dyslipidemia with high levels of cholesterol or triglyceridemia; likewise,32.6% and 42.0% had high levels of HDLc and LDLc, respectively. The bivariate analysis showed anassociation of age older than 30 years (p<0.001), overweight and obesity (p <0.001), and glycemiagreater than 126 mg/dL (p=0.007) with the higher frequency of dyslipidemia. The association of sexwith dyslipidemia was not demonstrated. Conclusions. More than half of the patients in the studypopulation had dyslipidemia with abnormally high cholesterol or triglyceridemia levels, which wererelated to older age, higher BMI, and hyperglycemia.


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Biografía del autor/a

Mónica Farro-Puicón, Universidad de Chiclayo, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Chiclayo, Perú.

Tecnólogo Médico, Maestro en Ciencias




Cómo citar

Ruiz-Ñañez, M. A., & Farro-Puicón, M. (2023). Frecuencia y factores asociados a la dislipidemia en pacientes atendidos en un centro médico de Chiclayo, julio a diciembre del 2020: Frequency and factors associated with dyslipidemia in patients treated at a medical center in Chiclayo, July to December 2020. Revista Experiencia En Medicina Del Hospital Regional Lambayeque, 9(2), 44–50.