Causas y características del diferimiento de los postulantes a donantes de sangre de un hospital de Chiclayo, Perú, 2020

Causes and characteristics of the deferral of applicants for blood donors in a hospital in Chiclayo, Peru



Palabras clave:

Donantes de Sangre, Bancos de Sangre, Seguridad de la Sangre, Medicina Transfusional


Objective. Determine the causes and characteristics associated with the deferral of applicants to blood donors at the Hospital Regional Lambayeque, January to March 2020. Material and methods. A retrospective, analytical, observational study was conducted in 2,770 blood donor applicants at the Hospital Regional Lambayeque. The study was census. The data was collected using the documentation technique of the blood bank service applicant's selection record. Results. The study population had a mean age of 33 years (SD = 9.8) and was characterized by the predominance of the male sex (71.1%), replacement donation (90.5%), Peruvian nationality (99.6%) and origin from the Lambayeque region (81.2%). A 35.0% delay was observed, the main causes being low hematocrit (17.7%), reactive screening (10.8%), recent partner (10.2%), high blood pressure (9, 0%) and difficult venous access (8.8%). Likewise, regarding the bivariate analysis, age between 45 and 60 years (p = 0.002), female sex (p <0.001) and type of replacement donation (p = 0.008), were associated with the higher frequency of deferral. Conclusions. Almost four out of every 10 applicants to blood donors at the Hospital Regional Lambayeque during January to March 2020, were deferred for biological, clinical and behavioral reasons; likewise, the deferral was associated with age, sex and type of donor.


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Biografía del autor/a

María Soledad Pisfil-Chávez, Hospital Regional Lambayeque, departamento de apoyo al diagnóstico. Chiclayo, Perú.

Tecnólogo Médico

Heber Silva-Diaz, Universidad de San Martín de Porres, Facultad de Medicina Humana. Chiclayo, Perú

Biólogo, Microbiólogo. Doctor en Ciencias




Cómo citar

Pisfil-Chávez, M. S., & Silva-Diaz, H. (2023). Causas y características del diferimiento de los postulantes a donantes de sangre de un hospital de Chiclayo, Perú, 2020: Causes and characteristics of the deferral of applicants for blood donors in a hospital in Chiclayo, Peru. Revista Experiencia En Medicina Del Hospital Regional Lambayeque, 9(2), 31–37.

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