Características de la hemiplejía post enfermedad cerebro vascular en pacientes de un centro privado de medicina física en Chiclayo, Perú: Characteristics of post-cerebrovascular disease hemiplegia in patients from a private physical medicine center in Chiclayo, Peru

Características de la hemiplejía post enfermedad cerebro vascular en pacientes de un centro privado de medicina física en Chiclayo, Perú

Characteristics of post-cerebrovascular disease hemiplegia in patients from a private physical medicine center in Chiclayo, Peru



Palabras clave:

Hemiplejía, Modalidades de Fisioterapia, Servicio de Fisioterapia en Hospital


Objective: To establish the frequency of epidemiological and physiotherapeutic characteristics in hemiplegia in patients treated at the San Juan de Dios Clinic, Chiclayo, 2018-2019. Material and methods: A descriptive observational study was carried out in 90 patients with hemiplegia admitted to the San Juan de Dios Clinic, Chiclayo, during the year 2018 to 2019. Results: The population was characterized by the predominance of the age group 60 years and over (50.0%), male (58.9%), origin from the province of Chiclayo (70.0%) and urban home area (73, 3 %). 65.5% had an ischemic cause, 52.2% had spastic-type hemiplegia; and the most frequent comorbidities were aphasia (95.6 5), headache (91.1%), arterial hypertension (86.7%) and diabetes mellitus (60.0%). 100% had a partial recovery and received five physiotherapeutic techniques in an interdaily frequency in 92.2%. Conclusions: In the hemiplegic population studied, the age over 60 years, the male sex, the urban home area and the ischemic cause predominated. Likewise, the majority presented arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus; all received five therapeutic technicians on an Interday frequency.


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Biografía del autor/a

Lilian Lesly Unkuch-Peña, Universidad Particular de Chiclayo, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Chiclayo, Perú

Tecnólogo Médico, especialidad en Terapia Física y Rehabilitación

Vilma Monteagudo-Zamora, Universidad Particular de Chiclayo, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Chiclayo, Perú

Química, Doctora en Ciencias




Cómo citar

Unkuch-Peña, L. L., & Monteagudo-Zamora, V. (2023). Características de la hemiplejía post enfermedad cerebro vascular en pacientes de un centro privado de medicina física en Chiclayo, Perú: Characteristics of post-cerebrovascular disease hemiplegia in patients from a private physical medicine center in Chiclayo, Peru. Revista Experiencia En Medicina Del Hospital Regional Lambayeque, 9(4), 149–153.